Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Trip Through the Distillery

 There have been a lot of times I've driven past the historic distillery district in Toronto, but have never taken the time to walk through the old brick and cobblestone neighborhood. The first time I went there, I could have spent all day and taken hundreds of pictures, if the rest of the day wasn't planned. Every where I looked was an interesting building, an old beat up truck, a giant sculpture, or a bright green bottle. While walking through, I found this old beat up dodge pick-up. I could have spent an hour at the truck but just didn't have the time. Three of these pictures were from that truck, the first is a crack in the windshield. This one was taken from the passenger side through the side window, although the angle wasn't the best and the frame isn't the greatest, this picture still turned out very interesting with the contrast between the dark background and the light caught in the cracks. The second was found as we rounded a corner and found a bright green Steam Whistle
bottle sitting upside down on a post. With the bright green and the light that day I couldn't help but snap this great picture. The next two are from the same truck again, the first one is a shot of the front grill. I had to take a couple of these shots to get the right angle and the right amount of the truck in the frame, it was surprisingly difficult due to the fact that about 4 feet away there was a booth for a vender and I had my long lens. After a number of tries I managed to grab this shot and I think it worked out pretty well. The last one is back to the windshield but this time its from the front. Like the one before it I had a difficult time getting the frame right on this one and I'm not completely happy with it. I would have liked to have been square with the truck and get a shot from right in front and get a little bit closer to see more detail in the crack and the colour in the window. In the end, it was a great day in a gorgeous area and a lot of things to take pictures of. Next time I am definitely spending more time there and taking a lot more pictures.
'Till next time

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Taste of it all

 Yesterday was a milestone I have looked forward to for a while. Gone are the days of being a 'teen' and here are the days of being an 'adult'. The past 20 years have brought extremely high, and extremely low points, but being surrounded by some of the best people, I don't think it could have been any better. I have also been on some amazing adventures with friends and family. Looking back and trying to capture 20 years in one post seems almost impossible, but lets give it a shot. The most memorable things have happened in the past 6 years or so. The first day of grade 9 to the last day of grade 12, the trips, the dances, the plays, the songs, the drinks and the laughs. High school was, as most say, the best 4 (or 5) years you will have. My high school time was filled with trips, whether it was a trip to Walkerton for chemistry, a trip to Stratford to see a play, traveling all over Ontario for the Sears Drama Festival, or traveling overseas and seeing the world (or a part of it anyways). One of my favorites was the trip to Grease and Italy. The deep rich history, the land marks and the lifestyle was eye opening and awe inspiring. Although, no matter where I go or what I see, home will always be the gorgeous, quiet shores of Huron County. For 19 of my 20 years I have called Goderich home, and always will, even though school and work has taken me away from the country and to the city. Nothing will replace the beauty and serenity of that area. Of course the best thing that has every happened to me was the birth of my son in my last year of high school. He changed my life
forever and I couldn't be happier. With trips to the park, a smile that could melt any heart, and head strong worse than both his parents, this little rug-rat has given me a new light in my life, and will always be the most challenging and exciting part of my day. Probably the best part of having a 2 year old is that I can go to places like the zoo and not feel out of place or to old, and every time we go, I get to see his face light up with pure excitement and joy every time he sees a new animal or shiny thing. Yeah, 20 years is a long time, but for somethings it just isn't long enough and all I can say is bring on the next 20! I can't wait to share it with all of you!
'Till next time

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Little Taste of the Next Few Months

The summer months have to be my favorite time to shoot. The weather is warm, the sun is out, and there is so much more colour and life to capture. It also gives a break from school, and opens up so much more time to get out and experience the world around you. In the winter we all hide inside, and don't get to see the true beauty the earth can offer, but in the summer we all take some time in our days to get outside and see as much as we can. The summer offers so many more opportunities for shots, everything is easier to get to, you don't have to fight your way through knee deep snow drifts, and instead of shooting a bunch of trees with branches, you are shooting trees full of life, rushing water that has a different personality in every shot, and a sky that is a bright rich blue.
'Till next time

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Week in the North

 How to explain Northern Ontario in the summer is kind of easy and can be done in a few words, stunning, gorgeous, awesome. All three pictures are from a trip I took up north with my dad. The lake we were on was a maze of islands and rocks, it did not take much to get turned around and lost.There is a huge amount of wildlife there, it feels like every time you turn around there is something new flying, floating, or walking near by. When the weather is nice the sky is a crisp blue, the water is smooth as glass, and the sun is warm. When the weather turns, the rain comes down like you wouldn't believe, the wind can blow trees over and is cold and harsh as winter. Northern Ontario is a place everyone in this province needs to visit. The fist picture was taken around the campfire at The Old Post and Village fishing camp, the second was an experiment that turned out kind of interesting, its a picture of a knot in a tree with very little light, and the third is an eagle we saw perched on an island on our way back to the camp.
'Till next time,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Babbling brooks, and Rushing Water

I have found my favorite thing to shoot, water. Its such an easy thing to work with, never complains, and always gives you an interesting and unique picture. As long as the light is good, and the background is nice, you cant get a bad shot of water. The first and the last were both taken in my hometown of Goderich, and the middle was taken in my aunts back yard.
'Till next time

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The last of Goderich

So its been alittle while since I have posted anything here, so I figured with my new computer I might as well get going on this. These are some pictures of my hometown for the past 19 years, Goderich. Its treated me well so far, but its time to move to bigger and better things, Oakville! My girlfriend Son and I have just moved into our new appartment and are starting school. Now that I have left I appreciate the beauty of this town so much more, so I thought it would be time to share some of the highlights with you guys.
'Till next time
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Long walks along the beach

I realised about a week ago how much I actually like this town. Although there is not a lot to do, and it is pretty small, there is so much hidden, and not so hidden beauty. Victoria and I went for a walk at the beach today and it was amazing what came out of it. The colours, the scenery, the surroundings, its so much fun when you can just totally immerse yourself into a state of calm and serenity from a walk along the boardwalk with a camera. I have been playing with the depth of focus lately. It brings out some pretty interesting looks like the one here, you can see the sharp image of the flower, and the background in soft focus. The nice thing with this one is that you can still make out whats behind. We also took our son Noah with us, and we had him in the swing and on the slide, which made him happy as could be. I love the colours in his picture, although there are two different reds, they play off each other very well and give a very interesting tone, and when you throw in the pink skin, its a great contrast to his deep blue eyes. This picture also made me think, this is the first picture I have of him on here, and with that I will leave you with this very cute picture!
'Till next time!

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